
Food Security for America

Smyrna, GA

Creating communities to equip people in need of healthy food.

Food Security for America
1099 Pinedale Drive SE
Smyrna, GA 30080
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All Programs

Food Security Groups offers services to struggling families to meet their need for nutritious food, learn about nutrition and healthy lifestyles, and receive the support of friends ? friends to lean on when times get tough and to celebrate with when life is good! Members receive from 1/3 to 1/2 of their families' total food needs at bi-weekly meetings, keep their dignity and self-respect by unloading and distributing the food themselves and pay a nominal $4 membership fee. They form a supportive network with other members during meeting time when they welcome new members, celebrate birthdays and other happy milestones, have devotionals and prayer requests, and occasionally listen to speakers on health and nutrition topics. Members receive enough food to make a significant difference in their budgets, enabling them to pay utilities, rent and other bills. The program is aka low-income food co-op or FANN (Friends and Neighbors Network).

Program Locations

779 Franklin Gateway
Marietta, GA 30067
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  • Hours of operation: Wednesdays beginning June 24th
  • Requirements: YELLS families & registered participants only