
Wildlife Rehabilitation

The Wildlife Department, licensed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the United States Department of Agriculture and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, has been a part of the Nature Center since it opened in 1976. The Wildlife Department focuses on education and rehabilitation. More than 3,500 phone calls are received by the department each year, with topics ranging from animal identification to habitat destruction. Additionally, the wildlife staff provides medical assistance to over 600 injured birds of prey, reptiles and amphibians annually in the hope of releasing them back into the wild. Sometimes, if the animal will be unable to survive on its own, it becomes a resident of CNC and is used in our educational programs and exhibits to teach our visitors about the importance of protecting our native wildlife. CNC strives to educate the community about native Georgia animals found in their own backyard.

Service Area: Cobb County

Categories Education Environment & Beautification Animal-Related
  • Population Served: General Public


No locations for this program
Parent Organization

Chattahoochee Nature Center

Roswell, GA

The mission of the Chattahoochee Nature Center is to connect people with nature.

Chattahoochee Nature Center

Roswell, GA 30075