
Veteran Support

Veterans who are homeless and those at risk of homelessness can receive hotel assistance, rental assistance and eviction prevention. If you have a Veteran in need, the intake line is 404-574-1681. Please leave a message and the intake staff will return your phone call. Serving individuals and families that meet the eligibility requirements of Veteran and 50% under area median income. Funds to provide bus transportation for those reconnecting to family members in another area/state are available, please email Joshua Houston at

Service Area:

Categories Homelessness and Poverty
  • Population Served: Military/Veterans


No locations for this program
Parent Organization

HOPE Atlanta

Atlanta, GA

To make homelessness in Atlanta rare, brief and non-recurring. HOPE Atlanta provides a comprehensive approach to address homelessness and provide solutions that promote lifelong stability.

  • Email:
  • Phone: 404.807.4308
  • Principal Officer: Ashley Williams
  • EIN
    EIN: 11111111
  • Population Served:


HOPE Atlanta

Atlanta, GA 30303